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China > Henan > the Iron Pagoda Park

the Iron Pagoda Park

the Iron Pagoda Park

Erected strikingly in the Iron Pagoda Park, the Iron Pagoda in northeast of Kaifeng in Henan Province has attracted renown as the best pagoda in China for its superb construction and elegance. Built in 1094 in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the pagoda is the most eye-catching element of the park.

From the name one might assume that the pagoda was made of iron. In fact it is built completely of glazed bricks. However, from a distance the pagoda appears to be made of iron due to the color of the bricks.

The thirteen-layered, octagonal pagoda is over 55 meters (180.4 feet) high. The unique construction uses bricks but follows a design of wooden pagodas. Apertures, tenons, gouges and slots on the bricks are assured different parts to be joined securely. These firm joints have enabled the pagoda to survive earthquakes, flood and destructive human efforts for over 900 years.

The glazed-bricks on the surface layer are exquisitely engraved. More than 50 distinct patterns are used, such as figures of Buddha and Bodhisattva, different flowers, and lions and kylins, to name just a few. Each pattern is of a high artistic standard show excellent craftsmanship. The steps of the brick stair spiral to the top from where you can enjoy a view of the whole city.

The Iron Pagoda has intrigued visitors from home and overseas for a long time. It was placed on the list of major historic and cultural sites under state protection in 1961.




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