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China > Yunnan > Bita Lake

Bita Lake

Bita Lake

The Bita Lake is 35 kilometres East of Shangri La Old Town. This emerald lake contains 160 hectares; its surface is reported above sea level 3539 meters, while the deepest point is around 40 meters. Bita Lake is legendized a woman from the sky broke her mirror into pieces during her combing. They fell to the ground then became various lakes in the world, while the Bita Lake is one of the most gorgeous pieces inlaid with the smaragdine. In Tibetan language, Bita means a place covered with a dense oak forest. The Bita Lake is a fault lake, which lies in the heart of the natural preserved area surrounded by mountains and covered with century-old pines, willows and spruces. In the centre of the lake, a small wooded island is made to be the shelter for many rare species of flocks. If you are lucky enough to be in the non-windy day, the rosy clouds, the snow mountains and the nearby forests are all mirrored in the Lake. The Bitahai Lake has plentiful fish resources. Every year, in the fifth month of the Lunar calendar, petals of the azaleas fall into the lake’s surface and are eaten by the fish. The fish look drunk because they float with their belly facing the sky on the surface, that forms the famous spectacle of “Fish drunk by the azaleas” in Bita Lake.


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