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China > Xinjiang > Gaisi Tomb

Gaisi Tomb

Gaisi Tomb

Also called "Tomb of the Sage" and "Green Land in the North", the tomb contains the remains of Gais. It is said that some 1000 years ago, Gaisi was one of the three missionaries that Mohammad, the prophet of the Muslims, sent to China at the invitation of Tang Emperor Lishimin. After their mission to meet the Emperor, Gaisi died on his way back. It was said that he was died at Xingxing Xia, a gorge at the sourtheast part of Hami City. Then people built a tomb for him there.

The tomb, surrounded by thriving trees, is a typical Islamic style building. It seems that the ancient missionary left not only the impact of Islam on local politics, culture and religion but also a means of living. It's 758 meters above sea level and oriented south and north. Its in the structure of wood and earth and in the form of pavilion. It's about 10 meters high. The lower part is in the shape of square and the upper part is in the form of vault. The top lays out green glazed tiles. There are eaves of the veranda around. It is a mixture of the styles of Han Nationality and Uigur nationality. The tomb isn't on a large scale, but its famous for burying a "Saint". A lot of Muslims, who can't go to Mecca to make a pilgrimage, come here to pilgrimage. The silk banners offered by pilgrims are thickly layered on a wall inside the tomb.



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