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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Yunnan > Napa lake

Napa lake

Napa lake

Napa Lake is 3270 meters above sea level and covers 660 square kilometers; it is approximately 8 kilometers northwest of Zhongdian town in Yunnan Province. It’s a valley surrounded on three sides by mountains which are covered in snow during winter and spring time. The water melting from the surrounding mountains and another over 10 rivers flows into the lake after zigzagging through grassland. There are nine caves in the northwest peak. During the rainy season, the lake expands and the water will rush through the nine holes and empty into the Jinsha River. During the dry season, the water recedes and a grassland appears. In autumn, the prairie changes into a golden color and flocks of yaks, horses, sheep graze there. Tibetan shepherds are occasionally viewed. Rare birds such as black necked crane, bar-headed goose and mallard flock to the area for winter. Actually Shangri-la is home of the black necked crane, a rare and endangered species with a population of around 10,000 around the world. This area is one of the best places for horse-back trekking during the dry season. Many locals offer their horse to you for a reasonable fare.



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