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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Anhui > Cloud Valley Scenic Area

Cloud Valley Scenic Area

Cloud Valley Scenic Area

With an elevation of only 890 meters (2, 920 feet), Cloud Valley Scenic Area does not lose out to other scenic areas for beauty. The pride of this area is the old trees, oddly shaped rocks and the Nine-Dragon Waterfall and the Baizhang Spring.

There are three precious trees here. The Eastern China Douglas Fir that is 500 years old and the Southern Hemlock which is 800 years old; both stand firm and stately through their long history. One common feature of these two trees is that they both have two kinds of branches and two kinds of leaves, conifer and broad-leaf. The third super star is a ginkgo tree calculated to be 1,000 years. It will certainly catch your eye owing to its height of 26 meters (85 feet) and huge girth measuring 3.1 meters (10.17 feet). This area is the so-called Rear Mountain and it is possible to climb all the way up.


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