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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Jiangxi > Huangyang Jie

Huangyang Jie

Huangyang Jie

Huangyang Jie is one of the five famous sentries. The well-known Defence of Huangyang Jie happened here and Mao Zedong’s poem-Xijiang Moon was written to commemorate it. The monument to the Defence of Huangyang Jie is made up of an upright stele and a transverse stele, on which are carved the inscriptions of Mao Zedong and Zhu De. The old residences of the Red Army leaders remain here and many stories about the revolutionary period have come down to us. A trench is also preserved and many tourists put on Red Army attire to be photographed near the trench as a souvenir. The Up-Well (Shangjing) Red Army Mint in Huangyang Jie played a very important role during the Chinese revolution and helped the revolution base to cover the hard period at that time and collected experiences for the other bases. Some of the old equipment is kept there as well as the tools and materials used to make currency. Some Silver dollars (Yinyuan) were unearthed when the mint was restored and in the Currency Museum you can see these coins that were minted by the Red Army.



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