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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Jiangxi > Mt. Jinggang

Mt. Jinggang


This mountain has great significance in the annals of modern Chinese history for it was here that important events during the Chinese revolution took place. For those who are interested in the history of the revolution, it is possible to take a tour on Mt. Jinggang that the people who against great odds struggled to establish the Peoples’ Republic of China. Mt. Jinggang is famous for the fact that it was here that forces led by Zhu De joined those headed by Mao Zedong. Together, the combined forces of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) marched on to a victory that was to establish the new China under the Chairmanship of Mao Zedong. Mt. Jinggang with its special features is quite different from the other sights, which makes a visit so rewarding.

Mt. Jinggang is located on the common boundary of Jiangxi Province and Hunan Province, 352 kilometers (about 219 miles) southwest from the capital city - Nanchang. The mountain areas have a high center that is surrounded by a somewhat lower level and between them they present two obvious steps. At the point that these steps are divided the relative height is 500 meters (about 1640 feet). It was here that the famous Five Sentries (the five Red Army military strongholds built) stood overlooking the difficult terrain. Another feature of the area is the many well-shaped basins among the ridges. It was these natural indentations that gave the mountain its name of Jing, meaning well and gang, meaning ridge - hence ’Jinggang’. Mt. Jinggang covers a fairly wide area but it is possible to arrange for a car to carry you to the various separate sites of interest. These are not far from each other and the cost, which can be negotiated, will be reasonable.




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