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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Shanxi > Ri Sheng Chang Banking Shop

Ri Sheng Chang Banking Shop

Ri Sheng Chang Banking Shop

It was established in the early Qing Dynasty. It was China’s forerunner for organizing Chinese early finance system, handling remittance, money exchange, deposit, loan and other financial business. There were 35 branches in China’s big and medium-sized cities. Its business covered Europe, America and Southeast Asia. The banking company had established a complete and strict management system because at that time the communication and transportation conditions are quite backward. For example, when a new employee came into the company, the manager always left several dollars in the yard to test the employee. If he returned the money to the manager, he passed the first examination. Second pass is the abacus, the main tool to calculate. Young people had to stand in the yard to practice abacus for several weeks, even in winter. What is more, the owner of the company did not involve in the daily business because he employed a general manager, and gave him some shares to attract him work harder and earned more money.



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