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China > Liaoning > Shenyang



  Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province and even the unofficial capital of the northeastern China (referred to often as "Dongbei"), is the first city people are likely to mention in northeast China as an industrial centre as well as a transportation junction. The name of the city originates from its geographic setting on the northern side of the Hun River, also called Shen River. (In ancient China, "Yang" was a geographic term for the northern side of a river or the southern side of a mountain.)
  Shenyang has some great examples of Soviet-style building, this and its large number of factories make it seem grim and austere. It is a large sprawling city of seven million people - but it is also marked by its colourful history: There are traces of Qing (Manchu), Russian and Japanese rulers.
  The history of Shenyang can be dated back to as early as the 11th century when the Mongolians were in power in the North China. Then it became the capital of the Manchu Houjin Empire in the seventeenth century when the city was known as Mukden. When the Manchus, having defeated the Ming rulers there, moved to Beijing in 1644, and established the Qing dynasty, Shenyang declined in importance. The city began to take on its modern, industrial role with the arrival of the Russians in the nineteenth century. The Japanese, the winners of the Russian-Japanese War, drove the Russians out of Shenyang and dominated the city until 1945, exploiting the regions natural resources. The city also became a major battle field in WWII when it was the scene of the "September 18 Incident" of 1931, which marked the beginning of the Japanese invasion. Seventeen years later, the Communist Party won the campaign of Liaoshen against the Kuomintang here, which was regarded as the significant turning point of the bitter national war. In recent history Shenyang became well-known in China as an important power base for the more radical hardline factions in Chinese politics.
  There are several historic sights in Shenyang: There’s China’s other "Forbidden City", the Statue of Mao Zedong on Zhongshan Square built during the Cultural Revolution, the East and North Tombs of two significant emperors.
  On a trip to Shenyang you should also not miss the mouthwatering Laobian dumplings and other famous local dishes.

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