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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Jilin > Jilin



  Jilin is the second largest city in the province, with a population of a mere 1.3 million people, and it is the only city in China with a name the same as its province. In Manchurian dialect the city is named "city along the river", a reference to the Songhua River that winds through the city like the Thames, bisecting it.
  The city was originally first formed as a fortress against foreign and domestic invaders but remained in relative peace until World War II when the city was badly damaged and then plundered by the conquering Russian troops. After the Communist victory, the cities fortunes began to improve a little, as the city transformed itself into an industrial powerhouse. Today it specializes in the manufacturing of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and machines, as well as electricity from its hydroelectric power plant.
  Yet the city is not all work and no play. Although generally it is not the most interesting or pretty, it still has some half decent parks, a gothic Catholic Church and some impressive winter scenery. Winter is definitely the time to come here, with some decent skiing slopes and the famed "rimy pines" that bring in flocks of local tourists. Many also come here to see the popular Ice Lantern Festival in January and February, that has long attempted to rival its Harbin neighbor.

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