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Add: 353, Minghuxi Road,Jinan China 250012
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Panda Helping Hands & Sichuan Extensive

China > Gansu > Xiahe



  Xiahe is a tiny, bustling town centered in a valley of the Ganan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Gansu. At three thousand meters above sea level, and surrounded by hilly mountains, this rural haven hugs its neighboring Tibet. The town centers upon the famous Labrang Monastery, that rests in the center of town, about one and a half kilometers from the towns only bus station.
  Few people, having followed the encircling Prayer Wheels around the monastery, having rode Tibetan style in the Sangke Grasslands, having hiked into the surrounding mountains for vistas of the mottled Tibetan section of town or having eaten their fill of yak yoghurt and Tibetan Tsampa, will fail to appreciate this area. Leaving it either for a northward journey thorough Gansu, or for the grueling roads south to Sichuan will only be a trial.
  It is not just the amazing sights that will enamour you with Xiahe, but also the vibrant atmosphere. The locals and nomads that you will see in the village live a laid-back lifestyle that will appeal to those who have been traveling for almost any length of time. The population here is made up of 45% Tibetan, 45% Han and 10% Hui, making this a good place to behold monks in bright purple, yellow and red, nomads clad in sheepskins, and the Hui Muslims with skull caps and wispy beards. The town is also a thoroughfare for incoming pilgrims from the obvious Qinghai and Tibet, to the many backpacking Westerners.

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