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China > Guangxi > Impression on Sanjie Liu

Impression on Sanjie Liu

Impression on Sanjie Liu

You may have watched plays in the theater and have been used to the stage, lights, and sound equipment in an enclosed space. Would you like to try an alternative way of enjoying a performance, in a natural environment? If so, please come to Yangshuo to witness a performance of ’Impression on Sanjie Liu’. We are sure that it will satisfy you greatly.

The performance was premiered on March 20th, 2004 at the Sanjie Liu Sing Fair, one mile from West Street. This is the world largest natural theater which uses the waters of the Li River as its stage. Mist, rain, moonlight, the hills and their inverted reflections in the river all become the ever-changing natural background. Its auditorium is housed on the natural islands of the river with the audience standing on the designed terraces, surrounded by green plants. The sound equipment here cannot be seen because it is in harmony with the natural environment. The valleys, the hills, the cool breeze and the gurgling streams are all elements contributing to the three-dimensional sound effect. Day by day, different weather offers different sceneries with the four seasons refreshing the performance as well, so you will have unique experience every time you watch it. This is really a new concept opera using nature as an integral part of its performers; hence its name - ’Human’s Masterpiece Cooperated with the God’.

The performance is divided into seven chapters including the preface and epilogue. At the beginning, the lights are all turned off and the image of Sanjie appears indistinctly in the sky with beautiful songs ’Sing the folk songs, here I am singing and there you are echoing...’. As the lights come up, the twelve hills appear in front of the audients; and a small fishing boat is rowed from the hills. This is the Preface - the Legend of Hills and Rivers.



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