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China > Jilin > Changbai Mountain

Changbai Mountain

Changbai Mountain

Changbai Mountain is situated in Antu County of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in northeast China, bordering the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the south. As a dormant volcano, Changbai Mountain boasts rare animals, marvelous lakes, amazing hot springs, and forests that stretch to the horizon. There is splendid scenery during the four seasons, but it is especially beautiful in winter.

The most beautiful part of Changbai Mountain is undoubtedly Tianchi, or Heavenly Lake. To the north of Heavenly Lake there exists an exit for the Chengcha River.Less than 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) away from Changbai Waterfall lie the Changbai Hot Springs. With a special chemical composition inside, the rocks around the hot springs have been dyed many bright colors. Most of the hot springs have temperatures over 60 C (140 F); the highest is 82 C (179.6 F). Hot Spring Eggs have become a special local product. Visitors can bathe in the hot springs, which are very effective for some ailments, such as arthritis, dermatosis and exhaustion.

Underground Forest, the attraction with lowest altitude in Changbai Mountain, is famous for its view of virgin forests. Ancient tall trees, huge rocks, special animals and cliffy canyons have lured many scientists, explorers and photographers in recent years. Twin Lakes and Natural Museum along the Northern Slope are also worth visiting. Additionally, the newly exploited Great Valley, Jinjiang Waterfall, King’s Lake, Tiger’s Back and Tizi River in the Western Slope also attract many visitors. If visitors want to closely observe the borders of the PRC and the DPRK and enjoy the beautiful alpine flowers, they can climb Changbai Mountain through the Southern Slope Entrance.


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