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China > InnerMongolia > Nadam



Nadam, which means entertainment or games in Mongolian. It is a grand gathering of the Mongolian people during the golden period of autumn between July and August when the grass on the meadows is ripe and the livestock in their best physical condition. The main events of a Nadam Fair are wrestling, archery as well as theatrical performances. At the fair, men and women, old or young, dress up and participate, or watch from cars or on horses. Other entertainment includes horseracing, wrestling. Archery and dancing and singing.  The Mongolians in Liaoning Province commonly dress in Han costumes, i.e. uniforms or ciwies During the event of the Nadam or other festivals, they put on long Mongolian gowns, but the prefer red, yellow and blue costumes. Five-colored ribbons are inlaid on the shoulder and front of the gown with red and green silk bands at the waist. They wear boots and usually have a sword with a scabbard, snuffbox and sickle at the waist. The Nadam is also known as a fair of agricultural and livestock goods. Apart from the industy and farming sideline products, there are also other local special good, such as beef and mutton, fumed food, cheese, dried cheese, cream, milk curd and yoghurt. Ghee tea and baked full mutton are also supplied at the tea booths and restaurants. Since the staple Mongolian diet generally consists of cereals and vegetables, the Nadam provides them with a chance to enjoy Mongolian traditional rich dishes.

To the Mongolian people, the Nadam Fair is ancient, scared, grand and full of fun. Nowdays, it has become a large-scale comprehensive gathering including sacrificial rites, celebrations, athletic sports, entertainment and trade.




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